Our newborn essentials for the first 4 months![]() My husband and I had no idea what we needed for baby boy when I was pregnant. We'd spend countless days going in and out of baby stores to add things to our registry or get hand-me-downs. We also got a lot of stuff from our Facebook Buy Nothing groups! The baby market is HUGE and there's just soo much out there. What in the world do we need? I was also leaving my job and becoming a stay at home mama for a year so we knew we had to budget our money soon. So here's some of our must haves or go to items for the first few months. I didn't add any diapers, wipes or clothes since we don't really have any big preferences. I also didn't want to add strollers or swings because he transitioned through so many and was so picky. I'll talk about that at the end. FeedingI was lucky enough to have a pretty easy time breastfeeding. Calvin had a great latch from the beginning.. maybe too good! He would latch so hard I would sometimes cry! We introduced him to a bottle the same week after coming home from the hospital because I needed a break from him sucking so hard. He didn't have any nipple confusion or issues transitioning from the nipple to bottle or vice versa.
SleepSleep was the hardest part in the beginning because we weren't getting any! At the beginning he would only sleep on our chest or in our arms. He hated the Snuggle Me and Dockatot co-sleepers. It took us weeks to finally get him to sleep in his bassinet. It took lots of time trying and being persistent but eventually we got to a nighttime routine. He's 4 months now and it's a breeze to get him down to bed and he sleeps about 6-8 hours on average before waking up to be fed and getting put back down for another few hours.
being outI remember I was so scared being out on my own because of my incision and I was just anxious about not knowing what to expect. My diaper bag was full of things at the beginning but now we don't carry too much. It's usually bulky because of a carrier but that's about it.
bath timeOur bath time is pretty quick and easy. There are a few brands we like such as Tubby Todd and Hello Bello because they're hypoallergenic and plant based. I also really enjoy using an Otteroo bath floatie in the bathtub for fun! I would highly recommend it because they get to swim and relax. We used it at least once a week since he was about 8lbs.
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June 2022
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